Since our founding, NARR has placed a heavy emphasis on training, education, and professional development. One or more training and education programs are usually part of our state-level consulting work. We deliver training and educational content in various formats depending on audience needs and budgets.
Live on-site and remote workshops
Until recently most of our training has been in live, in-person or remote workshop formats. We tailor the content for this training to an individual client’s needs and budget, whether it be a NARR affiliate, state agency or other organizations.
Online self-paced workshops
We have expanded our capabilities and offerings to include cloud-based, modular courses that individuals may complete on their own schedules. The content for these is highly visual and based on video conversations with subject matter experts. Our first offering, a 20-module workshop on meeting NARR’s best practice standards, has been well received and is available either through our state affiliate organizations or directly from us. For a few states we have also developed customized modules tailored to state-specific requirements.
We have assembled a first-rate production team. Training and educational content draws on the experience of our national network of recovery housing subject matter experts. Topics we have addressed include:
- Best practices in the operation of recovery residences; targeted audiences include operators and peer staff members
- NARR Code of Ethics
- Medication management and MOUD issues
- Best practices for supporting LGBTQ+ residents
- Role and functions of NARR affiliate organizations (usually delivered to state policy makers and agencies)
- Training for trainers in any of these topics

Course Catalog
Designed for recovery residence operators and managers, below is a list of current online training programs available to purchase.
NARR 00: Welcome to the NARR Standard 3.0
- Create or update recovery residence policies and procedures to meet NARR Standard 3.0.
- Implement or enhance your recovery residence’s social model practices and staff/leader position descriptions to facilitate a safe and healthy recovery community experience.
- Identify culturally congruent resources in your community and engage residents in vetting relevant recovery resources. purchasing the course contact
NARR 01: Introduction to NARR
- Identify five key elements of a recovery residence.
- Articulate NARR's mission.
- Explain the format of the NARR National Standard 3.0 and differentiate the four domains.
- List the variables that identify NARR's four Recovery Residence Levels of Support.
- Delineate your home's NARR Level.
NARR 02: Recovery Residence Certification
- Tell your recovery residence story, your 'why' for being a recovery residence provider.
- Identify the key benefits to certification as well as benefits to those served by recovery residences.
- List the steps of the recovery home certification process.
- Implement action steps to effectively collaborate with your affiliate and affiliate peers to enhance your home's operations and community.
NARR 03: Social Model Part 1 - Building Community
- Explain ways to create a sense of community within your recovery residence and self-evaluate those methods.
- Use social model language and concepts to frame community and belonging in your residence.
- Describe the process of giving and receiving feedback using Relationship Enhancement Skills during recovery residence community meetings.
NARR 04: Social model Part 2 – Evolution, Essential Understandings and Application
- Name the six primary characteristics of the Social Model of Recovery and identify examples of applications in your residence.
- Contrast Social Model-based organizations with others that promote recovery and identify how collaboration may occur with individuals in a RR.
- Use components of the Social Model Philosophy Scale to identify the key elements for developing a sense of community.
- Identify areas of operation where peer-based recovery support can be created and strengthened within your recovery home.
NARR 05: Standards 1, 2 & 3 - Getting Started
- Create or assess your recovery residence vision and mission statements along with their alignment to daily operations and decision-making.
- Evaluate your organization's core business practices and create policy and procedures that reflect vision, mission and values congruency and best practices.
- Demonstrate financially honest and forthright business practices in your recovery residence operations.
NARR 06: Standard 4 - Data Collection and Continuous Quality Improvement
- List essential resident information (data) needed to assess your recovery residence's daily operations' congruence with the organization's vision, mission, and values.
- Identify the process and outcome metrics needed to monitor resident progress.
- Establish a quality and outcome improvement system for continuously assessing your residence's operations.
NARR 07: Standards 5, 6 & 7 abc - Essential Agreements
- Execute welcome (entry), goodbye (exit) and financial policies and procedures with integrity that empowers a resident-driven culture with resident-informed agreements.
- Protect residents’ personal identifiable information (PII) while also adhering to applicable state and federal confidentiality laws.
- Promote a social model recovery culture via staffing and residence governance policies and procedures.
- Implement a grievance policy and procedure.
NARR 08: Staff - Standards 7d-10 - Creating an Empowerment Culture
- Articulate essential ways staff facilitate a social model-based culture of empowerment in the recovery residence to include: (7 & 8)
- Resident self-determination, i.e. goals, length of stay.
- Resident participation in governance.
- Rules and cultural norms (standards) - written and unwritten.
- Tiered increase in responsibility and leadership.
- Create policies that support practices appropriate to the recovery residence level regarding support, training and encouragement for authenticity and self-care by staff (and resident leaders). (9 & 10)
NARR 09: Standard 11 - Cultural Responsiveness
- Develop and/or assess your recovery residence policies and procedures' alignment with the priority population identified in your mission and vision.
- Identify cultural factors that influence the recovery experiences of residents, staff, and volunteers.
- Assess your cultural humility and efforts to promote identity safety and prosocial development within culturally congruent and diverse recovery networks.
NARR 10: Standards 12 & 13 - Clear and Supported Social Model Staff Positions
- Write staff job descriptions and requirements appropriate to the level and needs of the residence.
- Identify skills and tools that create a positive and authentic work environment where staff professional development and accomplishments are supported and recognized.
NARR 11 - Recovery Residence Ethics
- Distinguish the relevance of ethics, morals, and laws.
- Apply the 20 principles contained in the NARR Code of Ethics to organizational operating procedures; and
- Incorporate the NARR Ethics Guidelines for Drug Testing and Patient Brokering into your operating procedures.
NARR 12 - Standards 14 & 15 - Creating a Home-Like Environment
- Self-assess your recovery residence for essential elements of a safe, comfortable, home-like environment.
- Identify key physical attributes within a recovery home that contribute to building community.
NARR 13 - Recovery Residence Rights and Responsibilities
- Describe the essential fair housing and zoning rights of recovery residences.
- Cite relevant applications of the Americans with Disability Act for people living in recovery residences.
- Identify essential resident rights including in recovery residence policies and procedures.
- Create or modify policies and procedures that align with standards 2, 3, 5, and 6.
NARR 14: Standard 16-18 - Promote a Safe and Healthy Environment
- Create policy and practices that are aligned with the NARR Standard for an alcohol and illicit drug free environment including:
- Return to use (relapse) policy
- Search policy
- Drug testing policy.
- Identify safe practices for medication management including medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
- Develop resident safety and emergency protocols.
- Create policies regarding smoke-free environments.
- Address preventing airborne pathogens, including COVID-19, in policies and practices.
- Create and maintain a physically safe environment within the home.
NARR 15: Standard 19 - Emergency Preparedness
- Identify emergency situations that commonly occur in recovery residences.
- Enact emergency preparedness action plans that include social model-based policies and procedures.
- Effectively engage residents in emergency preparedness practices that are part of the routine and culture of the community.
NARR 16: Standards 20-25 - Facilitate Active Recovery and Recovery Community Engagement
- Use your recovery residence’s assets to facilitate engagement in meaningful activities.
- Identify existing recovery capital development opportunities within your residence.
- Review your recovery residence’s methods of facilitating access to community support.
- Describe examples and growth opportunities for positive, empowered role modeling, leadership development, and community building within your residence.
NARR 17: Standard 26 - Respectful, Emotionally Safe Environment
- Self-evaluate your recovery residence’s strength-based, recovery-oriented, and prosocial culture.
- Identify potential implications of residents’ past trauma on interactions in the recovery residence.
- Apply new skills and best practices for promoting resilience and trauma-informed support within your residence community.
- Identify specific ways residents’ voices are heard and incorporated in community life and operations.
NARR 18: Standards 27-29 - Community Building Essentials
- Assess how your recovery residence forms and sustains a ‘functionally equivalent family’ in your residence.
- Evaluate staff-resident relationships within opportunities for informal activities and mutually supportive social interactions.
- Identify how residents are acknowledged, affirmed, and challenged with growth opportunities.
- Develop or update your networking list by which residents are linked in the community at large along with vetting of the resources by current and former residents.
NARR 19: Standards 30 & 31 - Good Neighbor Essentials
- Model prosocial engagements with the community in which the recovery residence is located.
- Review and align with standard 30 your neighborhood interaction, involvement and communication policies and procedures.
- Maintain essential community courtesy policies, procedures, and associated documentation.
NARR 20: Social Model Applications in Daily Operations
- A deeper dive into additional, operationally relevant considerations.
To purchase one or more training programs or if you have questions About NARR training or content development services, please contact us below.