Note to users of this directory
This resource will eventually be your real-time directory and resource locator for all NARR-certified recovery residences nationwide. It is currently limited in its coverage, as described here.
Data for this directory are maintained by our state affiliate organizations, and compiled in conjunction with our data/technology partner for this project, GET HELP®. Currently this directory only includes certified residences in those states where our affiliate organization maintains its data in the GET HELP® residence information system.
For states served by NARR affiliate organizations that aren’t currently using the GET HELP data platform themselves, we and GET HELP will be working with those organizations over the coming months to incorporate their data into this directory.
We will not be able to include data on residences in any state that does not support a NARR affiliate, since NARR certified status can only be granted by our affiliate organizations.
For states served by NARR affiliate organizations that aren’t currently using the GET HELP data platform themselves, we and GET HELP will be working with those organizations over the coming months to incorporate their data into this directory. In the meantime, contact your State Affiliate for assistance if you do not find what you are looking for.